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Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside I would like to thank everyone who has sent me guidance, advice and love. You are all very special, kind and thoughtful. I thank you for taking the time to write, call or visit me at the summer festivals. What a summer it has been so far! WOMAD and Male Tantra to start! I'm happy in my own company, so initially I decided to turn off my social media for a few days. Are you aware of how much time you spend each day trawling through facebook, twitter and all the other networking and social media? It had become addictive, and what was I gaining from it? I knew who was doing what with who? Who's going where on holiday etc. I'm totally not knocking this, but being without it has been beneficial in so many ways. The constant interaction is really not necessary and making a conscious effort to be away from it and people has been beneficial for me. For a start, it has given me the much needed space for me to 'FIND ME'. So how have I benefitted and what have I achieved by being alone? Well, I've always wanted to listen to music, but never seem to just listen on my own. I've put absolutely no pressure on myself to perfect this skill, I've simply allowed myself the time to become lost in the moment. The pleasure this has bought to me is immeasurable. My creativity has flourished, and I'm learning a new skill which is so satisfying. I've found joy in my new skill, and I'm learning to express myself through music again. If you remove yourself from outside influences, it's really amazing how creative you become in your actions and thoughts. It's such a revelation to me. Why don't you give it a try, you'll be amazed at what you are capable of! Spending time on your own allows you to de-stress and refresh yourself so that you are able to find the inner strength to tackle what life throws at you. Spending time alone has given me a better understanding of how I feel about the things going on in my life. Purely because I've given myself the space and time to think about this rather than filling my days with 'chatter'. In a funny way, this has given me the confidence to say no to things I'd rather not do. I'm much more relaxed and tolerant. I'm calmer and happier. Have you noticed when you have these qualities you are more tolerant towards others? And just to reinforce this idea - I had a Transformational Breath Healing session with the lovely Andria Falk. This is what came through very clearly. 'I am becoming a stronger person' Strength - I am a warrior! It also revealed that I am gaining the strength needed to make the right decisions for myself as I continue through this transition and onto the next stage in life. I'm now physically and mentally stronger. I have the inner resolve to say no to things that don't feel right for me. I'm clearer in my thoughts about how to move my life forward and I have given myself the space and time to realise what's right for me at this time. I absolutely love this therapy. It's amazing - and very revealing if you trust youself to allow what is needed to come through for you. You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with - Wayne Dyer
Enjoy the summer holidays
Love Steve x