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This is a one hour vocal sitting meditation, using toning.
Chakra Sounds uses vocal sounds made by the meditator to open and harmonize the chakras while bringing awareness to them. The meditation can bring you into deep, peaceful, inner silence either through making your own vocal sounds or by just listening to and feeling the sounds within you. This meditation can be done at any time.
First stage: 45 minutes
Stand, sit comfortably, or lie down if you prefer. Keep your back straight and your body loose. Breathe into your belly rather than your chest. The sounds should be made with your mouth open and your jaw loose, keeping your mouth open the whole time.
Close your eyes and listen to the music; if you wish, start making sounds in the first chakra. You can make a single tone or you can vary the tone. Let the music guide you; however, you can be creative with your own sounds. While listening to the sound of the music or the sounds that you make, feel the sounds pulsating in the very center of your chakra, even if it seems to be imagination at first.
Osho has suggested that we can use the imagination in "becoming attuned to something that is already there." So keep doing the meditation even if it feels like you may be imagining the chakras. With awareness your imagination can lead you to an experience of the inner vibrations of each center. After making sounds in the first chakra, you will hear the tones change to a higher pitch - this is the indication to listen and feel sounds in the second chakra. If you wish, you can continue making sounds also. This process is repeated all the way up to the seventh chakra.
As you move from chakra to chakra, let your sounds become higher in pitch. After listening to and making sounds in the seventh chakra, the tones will descend one at a time down through all the chakras. As you hear the tones go down, listen and make sounds in each chakra.
Feel the inside of your body becoming hollow like a bamboo flute, allowing the sounds to resonate from the top of your head down to the very base of your trunk. At the end of the sequence, you will hear a pause before the next sequence starts. This upward and downward movement of sound will be repeated three times for a total of approximately 45 minutes.
There is no need to create images, just be receptive to any which may come. The images could be colors, patterns or scenes of nature. What comes to your awareness may be visual, or it may be more natural for you to have a thought rather than a visual image. For example, you may think "gold" or you may see colours in your imagination.
Second stage: 15 minutes silence
After the last sound sequence, remain sitting or lying down in silence with closed eyes. Remain in silence and don't focus on anything in particular. Allow yourself to become aware of and watch whatever is happening within. Be relaxed and remain a witness, not judging it.
You can enjoy this on your own during the daytime or evening, or you can book in for a meditation 1 on 1 treatment with Steve leading you.
Namaste, Steve