
Feeling Free

This speciality holistic treatment package from Steve will be designed for you following a consultation. The programme will bring artistry together with bodywork and is more of a workshop experience for those that like to think out of the box and interact with their body as it responds to natural stimuli. You will benefit during this session from being open to your issues and working through them in voice and movement. Fly away from the crowd and find your own space. This is your awakening, a call to your soul to forget the material world and enjoy nature's pleasures. Bring yourself into the space within which you can best thrive and allow Steve to lead you through your session in the best way.

Feeling Free can include Reiki Energy Healing, gemstones, flowers and pure organic essential aromatherapy oils combined with massage oils to heighten the body's natural energy levels. We could also work together to create a sensational workshop of Tapping (EFT), Chanting, Meditation and Spirit Dancing. A musical symphony rises to your ears, to take you through a choreographed journey of thankful, uplifting senses in the unique, luxury setting of Man on the Couch's private suite. Celebrate the natural energetic abundance around you and let it in to transform your body to freedom.


Your Options

Item Time Price
Initial Consultation 30 mins £25
Feeling Free 1 hour to 4 hours From£90
Enquire Now

Session time includes consultation, treatment, aftercare and any use of shower/washroom. Please note an extra (free) 20 minutes may be required for your first treatment's consultation. Membership and Treatment Course Prepurchases can save you money. We reserve the right to charge the full appointment fee for missed appointments and cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.

I felt the wind blowing through the strong trees in June as the evening sun shone through showers - a Concerto worthy of a standing ovation!

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