Steamed or Sizzling Herbal Poultice Massage
A magical exfoliating and skin conditioning massage that combines three elements - a steamed or sizzling herbal poultice, which is a ball-shaped linen compress filled with the aromatic and medicinal properties of an exotic blend of Thai herbs such as coriander and lemongrass, plai (galagal family), tamarind and sesame; a body massage oil of ginger, fennel, vetiver, and clove; and the hands and arms of an experienced massage therapist. The smells during this massage are divine. Steaming the compress is the traditional Thai method of heating, compared to sizzling in oil, which is the traditional Indian method of preparation, called Kizhi. You can decide which you prefer!
The massage enlivens the skin, relieves aches and pains, promotes natural healing, improves circulation and increases the body’s energy flow. The steamed or sizzling herbal compress acts not only as a body scrub, but its inner held herbs aid relaxation, muscular relief and, for some, the Thai extra-sensory enhancing experiences for an openness of mind and spirit.
Deeper pressure techniques such as forearm, elbow, knuckles and heel of the hand are used alongside the herbal compress to pummel, stretch, compress and relax the muscles further.
A bonus with this treatment is that you can take away your herbal compress, and use it yourself in the bath and shower– it smells gorgeous and retains its herbal use for the next week or so. If you've time and budget, why not add Hot Tub Hydrotherapy to the beginning of the treatment?