
Thai Foot & Leg Massage

Thai Foot Massage is a unique massage of the lower legs and feet which, like Indian Head Massage, it has been handed down by word of mouth across the generations. Thais believe in the 3 M's for health - Massage, Meditation, and Medicine. Steve is qualified by the London School of Thai Massage and has much experience from travelling in Thailand.

Thai foot massage incorporates elements of Shiatsu, Reflexology, Chinese Massage and Yoga. It involves hands-on stretching and wringing, and acupressure to stimulate reflex points in the lower leg and feet, to balance Thai energy lines (Sen) and stimulate the activity of internal organs. A traditional Thai stick is used to deliver some of the stimulating techniques. It can produce a deep and unique feeling of balance, energy and well-being across the body. Traditionally a Thai Foot Massage takes about an hour.

It is ideal for energising people in the morning, people who like to feel well grounded, and those that like being treated through their feet. This treatment is carried out with loose fitted trousers on.

Extended treatment times allow a greater range of techniques, and a greater range of areas, to be treated. Hard skin can be removed prior to the treatment, as preferred. If you've time and budget, why not add a freshening and smoothing foot and leg scrub before the massage with Neals Yard Remedies Organic foot scrub and a Micro-Pedi hard skin remover, or a complete Men's Pedicure?

Your Options

Item Time Price
Thai Foot & Leg Massage 30 mins £40
Thai Foot & Leg Massage 45 mins £55
Thai Foot & Leg Massage 1 hour £70
+ Foot Scrub + 15 mins +£15
+ Men's Pedicure +45 mins +£46
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Session time includes consultation, treatment, aftercare and any use of shower/washroom. Please note an extra (free) 20 minutes may be required for your first treatment's consultation. Membership and Treatment Course Prepurchases can save you money. We reserve the right to charge the full appointment fee for missed appointments and cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.

Great for the feet and lower legs and really picked up energy levels over my whole body. I've neglected my feet for too long.

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